Resilio Platform
Cut Build Delivery Times in Half

The fastest build distribution solution for global software development

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The Fastest Build Distribution Solution for Global R&D

Resilio Platform is a high-performance build distribution and synchronization solution for DevOps teams focused on Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Leveraging all available infrastructure in a highly distributed manner, Resilio delivers builds up to 10 times faster.

“Our engineers deployed a successful test version in a hour - without reading a ton of manuals - that delivered the best result of all the solutions we tried”
— Roman Sakno, Enterprise Architect at Wargaming.

Resilio Platform is a high-performance build distribution and synchronization solution for DevOps teams focused on Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Leveraging all available infrastructure in a highly distributed manner, Resilio delivers builds up to 10 times faster.
Infrastructure upgrades are expensive and time consuming. Fortunately, you don’t need to upgrade everything (servers, network and storage) to keep up with the growing size of builds and the demands of continuous deployments. Resilio’s software solution harnesses underutilized capacity to deliver unbridled speed and scale (and a clear ROI) without the massive budget.

Scale Without Upgrading Infrastructure

Infrastructure upgrades are expensive and time consuming. Fortunately, you don’t need to upgrade everything (servers, network and storage) to keep up with the growing size of builds and the demands of continuous deployments. Resilio’s software solution harnesses underutilized capacity to deliver unbridled speed and scale (and a clear ROI) without the massive budget.

Simple Integration, Simple Automation

Resilio fits most development environments, easily integrating with 3rd party systems and automating common tasks through a RESTful API. From JFrog to Atlassian to Git, whatever your systems of choice, Resilio makes them faster and more reliable while automating and orchestrating many common tasks, freeing up precious DevOps cycles.

Resilio fits most development environments, easily integrating with 3rd party systems and automating common tasks through a RESTful API. From JFrog to Atlassian to Git, whatever your systems of choice, Resilio makes them faster and more reliable while automating and orchestrating many common tasks, freeing up precious DevOps cycles.

No Downtime

Outages are inevitable, but downtime doesn’t have to be. Resilio’s distributed architecture is highly fault tolerant, accommodating major failures without impacting your constituents. Resilio seamlessly routes around many outages and failures that would otherwise render traditional build distribution systems dead in the water.  The result: Maximum Uptime.

Builds Grow Fast, Resilio Scales Faster

Supported platforms and SKUs are always proliferating, builds are growing exponentially and large global R&D teams place new demands on DevOps every day. The scale challenge is never going away.  Resilio inverts the challenge of scale and instead of getting slower with increased demand, it actually gets FASTER with increased demand. Nothing else works this way, making Resilio the only scalable solution available for DevOps where Bigger is actually Better.

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Supported platforms and SKUs are always proliferating, builds are growing exponentially and large global R&D teams place new demands on DevOps every day. The scale challenge is never going away.  Resilio inverts the challenge of scale and instead of getting slower with increased demand, it actually gets FASTER with increased demand. Nothing else works this way, making Resilio the only scalable solution available for DevOps where Bigger is actually Better.
“For us, the main thing was fast transfer of data and obviously maintaining the integrity of all the data that we sync to our offices. And definitely the cost is very important. We were happy to find a solution where we could use our in-place architecture to keep down the cost.” — Sebastiaan Sprengers, Lead Tools Programmer @Larian Studios.
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Fault Tolerant

With a full mesh topology, major DevOps components & systems can fail without impacting access to critical data. Builds and binaries can be accessed from other available sites or even nearby end systems on the local LAN.

Transfer files over end-to-end encrypted connections. State of the art security that was reviewed and verified by 3rd party experts. Your data only touches devices you own.

Endpoint Scalability

Built on top of the BitTorrent protocol, Resilio Platform can easily scale to 1000s of endpoints, and many TBs of data. The endpoint agents monitor the file system and quickly respond to changes.Updates are distributed between peers and don’t depend on the availability or capacity of the centralized management console.

Scale Out

Builds are getting bigger and Resilio organically scales out to meet the growing demand, meaning your legacy systems never slow down. No solution scales faster in the face of growing data.


Leveraging underutilized capacity (idle systems or network) allows Resilio to distribute and synchronize builds up to 10 times faster than existing technologies.

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How Resilio is Used by DevOps

Trusted by 100s of Business Customers Worldwide

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P2P: The Fastest Way to Move Data

Peer-to-peer technology is the fastest way to distribute data across any network. It reduces the load on the server by channeling the power behind every endpoint connected in your system. Resilio Platform uses similar principles to BitTorrent, but key algorithms like peer-selection and piece-picking were enhanced to meet the needs of an enterprise network.

Read the P2P Article or try the Speed Calculator

Speed Builds to Multiple Remote Offices

When distributing builds to more than one location, Resilio connects sites together in a virtual mesh. Thus, Office A sends to Office B while Office B concurrently sends to Office C and so on, resulting in a parallel process many times faster than traditional point-to-point WAN optimization.

Resilio Platform enables integration of scripts in transfer jobs. Each job has 3 scripting triggers: prior to starting a transfer job, after a machine completes a transfer, and after all machines complete a transfer. Diagram
Resilio's Central Management Console provides a comprehensive view of your system.  Diagram

Crush Idle Time with Concurrent Distribution Over the LAN

On the local area network, build distribution is only as fast as the local build server or storage array, meaning access to new builds is often “rate limited,” across the R&D team. Resilio breaks these bottlenecks, allowing builds to be accessed from other local machines faster and more reliably, eliminating idle time in R&D.

Efficient Use of the Network

Instead of multiple concurrent build requests from the cloud clogging the Internet connection with redundant bits, Resilio efficiently spreads load to other local machines, freeing up critical bandwidth while serving builds faster.

Resilio's Central Management Console provides a comprehensive view of your system.  Diagram

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